Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Waking - Up - Unafraid - New Release

Waking Up Unafraid is a book title that was so real to Ayesha Saunders. She realized early on that it took time, patience, understanding, and growth to master certain events in our lives. The mercy of God helped her deal with herself as well as others. Sometimes, we allow certain people, events, and situations within ourselves, thinking it is making us grow and then our growth becomes dormant. In Matthew 6:23 it states, "So if the [very] light inside you [your inner self, your heart, your conscience] is darkness, how great and terrible is that darkness!" It takes understanding, patience, and God's mercy to push us to understand what is inside us that we have not dealt with. In this book, Ayesha has some events that you may be able to relate to and some events that you can realize that it could have been so close to your reality. We all want to have the understanding of how to wake up unafraid.

You can purchase this new release here.
For more information, visit Covenant Books

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