Monday, June 24, 2024

Sharon Aseltine Plumb's New Release "The Monument Man"


About the Book

This book was written to bring hope and faith and encourage all who read it—to let the individual know this is not the end. Someday they will see that family member again if they believe in God. Let the Lord wrap his arms around the individual and know that he loves him or her, and through this book, God will bring comfort… God bless and keep you in his care

About the Author

Sharon Aseltine Plumb was born in Ashland, Oregon, in 1950. Her entire childhood consisted of living in a poverty-filled lifestyle. Her family constantly moved from state to state, and she was forced to start a new school time and time again. When her two younger siblings were born in her early teen years, she automatically fell into the motherly role, watching over them when her parents were gone. Sometimes they had little to feed them, but Sharon would make what she could for dinner. No matter what, she would always be there for them and give what she could. This is who she was and will always be. Sharon would continue to care for others throughout her entire life.

When she had a family of her own, she would continue to give her all, caring for her family as best as she could. Soon grandkids came along, and she would be there for them, giving them love. So when she began working at the monument shop, her calling continued. She would meet strangers and hear their stories of their loss of loved ones and would listen quietly, offering any condolences she could to ease their suffering and pain. She called this her gift and could talk to anyone, and they would feel the need to open up and share with her all of the cherished memories and heartfelt stories of their loved ones. Then she would share with them the Word of God, and somehow people would always accept what she would tell them. The years of working along with her husband, Gary, at the monument business have allowed her to continue to care for many people effortlessly and minister to them about the Word of God.

To learn more about this book, visit:  books - Covenant Books

"The Crown or Clown" by Linda A Drumgoole


About the Book

Initially, ‘The Crown or The Clown’ was written to inspire single females yearning for a husband. Unknowingly, my egoistically arranged path to their desire was for them to wait on that god-ordained relationship that was intended specifically for them. However, in writing ‘The Crown or The Clown’, I was reminded of my personal journeys, my hills and valleys, my unsuccessful paths, and subsequent consequences while I was seeking what I perceived as that “perfect” attainable relationship. I was humbled, contrite and yielded to the direction of the Holy Spirit as I moved forward in writing ‘The Crown or The Clown’. You see, I then understood and accepted God’s Will…God’s Way.

My prayer is that as the reader goes through each page, absorbs each experience of my journeys, and faithfully participates in each activity from the beginning to the end, they will attain a soul-rendering illumination of the gospel.

My hope is for each reader to have their own individual experiences of 1). A sincere release and self-forgiveness from the bondages of the past, 2). A complete wholeness of who they truly are and who they belong to spiritually, and 3). The authentic acceptance that the desires of their heart comes when they have a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. Only then can they be open and obedient to the biblically based desires for a purposed, destined and ordained relationship intended for them through Jesus Christ.

About the Author

Reverend Linda A. Drumgoole, a.k.a. Reverend Drum, is a bold proclaimer of the gospel of Jesus Christ. She is a certified trainer, God-called teacher of the Word of God, as well as an inspirational and motivational speaker. She was called to preach the gospel in 2004. She received her license to preach on August 24, 2008. She was ordained on August 20, 2015. She is actively serving the Lord in the areas of prayer, women, young professional adults, college students in numerous venues. She has a bachelor of arts in political science from Mississippi State University. She is a graduate of CTI (Covenant Training Institute), School of Ministry. She is also certified in biblical counseling from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently working toward a master of management from the University of Phoenix.

To learn more about this book, visit:  books - Covenant Books

"The Ice Beast" by AJ McCoy


After The Ice Beast’s world was destroyed he went to a planet called Earth but he didn’t go to Earth alone a Fire Beast went to Earth with him but when The Ice Beast came to Earth he was afraid of people being scared of him and he meets a kid named Max and he tries to hide the Ice Beast’s identity and The Ice Beast meets friends and a love on his adventure but The Fire Beast took over a military base and plans to take over the planet now it’s up to The Ice Beast and Max to stop him and The Ice Beast might learn how to be a hero.

To learn more about this book, visit:  books - Covenant Books

"The Wish of a Fish" by author M. Francis Daniel


About the Book

Dale always wanted to overcome his fear of the sea. One day, he stumbled upon a big surprise that sent his life on an amazing journey. Open the pages of this book and discover how the wish of a fish changed his life forever

About the Author

Rev. Francis Daniel is a retired elder of the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. In forty-eight years of ministry, he has served as pastor, consultant, and district superintendent. Rev. Daniel is an ICF-certified leadership coach, endorsed by the Endorsing Agency of the United Methodist Church. He is the president of Compass Point in North Carolina.

In addition to his various ministries, he has authored two other books—Stories of the Seasons: Reflections of Faith and The New Normal: Growing as a Christian in Changing Times. Rev. Daniel is a songwriter and poet and has been described as an excellent storyteller.

Rev. Daniel and his wife, Gail, live in the community of Bay Tree Lakes in North Carolina. They are the proud parents of three children, five grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. More information can be found at

To learn more, visit us at:   books - Covenant Books

News Segment on "Eight Days in a Gum Tree" by Pat Bond

Pat Bond recently had a news segment about her book, Eight Days in a Gum Tree!  Be sure to read it below!

More About this Book

Eight Days in a Gum Tree documents the true story experiences Clarence Thomas Bond, a cat, had while stuck in a neighbor's tree for eight days. The book explains how a community filled with love and enlightenment tried several techniques before a news anchor who loves cats came to the rescue.

Ocho dias en un arbol de goma documenta la historia real de las experiencias que tuvo Clarence Thomas Bond, un gato, mientras estaba atrapado en el arbol de un vecino durante ocho dias. El libro explica como una comunidad llena de amor e iluminacion probo varias tecnicas antes de que un presentador de noticias que ama a los gatos viniera al rescate.

"The Great American Backslide and Our Silent Partnership with Darkness: Living in Opposition to Evil's Influence" - By M. Rene Lauzier


Change is accelerating and the world of 2023 is unrecognizable from the world that existed just five years ago. In a very subtle and incremental manner, American society has been transformed from what once was the world's premiere super-power, a country that was exalted as an example of freedom, justice, morality, and liberty, into a divided group of many tribes, cultures, and political and special interest groups often lacking a moral compass. We go with the loudest tribe fitting our basic ideals or choose to go it alone. And when we try to avoid the many tribes of destruction, we often tend to adopt the idol of the god of self. Community and unity are being left to die a slow, painful death.

America's true north has become obscured because we decided to forego God as the light for our path. This has allowed us to quickly forget the race worth running as well as those foundational values that once comprised what we stood for as a country. But how did we get here and how can the trend of moral decay and divisiveness be reversed? The Great American Backslide came about as a result of not just understanding that our natural tendency as humans is to be selfish and sinful, but knowing we are being given substantial assistance by the dominion of darkness. This book will take us through an analysis of biblical, secular, and non-secular explanations of the existence of evil; how it induces cultural paradigm shifts aimed to ultimately separate us from God; how evil leverages our emotions, our brain chemistry, and our sinful human nature to manipulate subtle and incremental compromises of truth; how evil sustains itself and creates ever-increasing moral decay leading to further evil through a cycle of depravity; and how we can go about living in opposition to evil influences upon our world.

To learn more about this book, visit:  books - Covenant Books

"Buddy & Me" by Author Juliana T. Morgan


Buddy & Me by Author Juliana T. Morgan

Buddy is a toy rabbit who is a constant companion to a little boy named, Michael. See how Buddy has many more adventures as he continues his bunny journey of bringing comfort and joy to everyone he meets.    


Buddy & Me is an excellent choice for teachers, parents and librarians to help teach character education, family values, and compassion for others. It includes a Parent-Teacher Guide with suggested activities.

Morgan enjoys writing young reader chapter books for the young and the young at heart. If you are a dog lover, check out Zach’s Tracks, A Yorkie’s Adventure and Who Rescued Who? Sashi’s Story. Both books are based on true heart-warming stories. Who Rescued Who? Sashi’s Story was accepted in the 21st Festival of the Book in Charlottesville, VA in 2016. Morgan and Sashi were asked to visit several elementary schools during the week where Sashi won the hearts of many.




Kyle W. Elliott Publishes New Book - "I Made a New Friend Today"


Jesus is my Lord! Jesus is my savior! Jesus is my friend! He wants to be yours too! I Made a New Friend Today tells the story of the price He paid for our salvation and the life-giving relationship He wants with anyone who will believe. I hope you make a new friend today!

To learn more about this book, visit:  books - Covenant Books

Out of Darkness into Light - By Author Morgan Swartz


Out of Darkness into Light is a true story that follows a young girl from adolescence to adulthood. It chronicles overcoming addictions and committing one's life to Christ even in the most unlikely circumstances. It is a testimony to hope with a timeless message that no one is beyond God's mercy.

To learn more about this book, visit:  books - Covenant Books

Brenda Ann Green Publishes New Book - "Lord, Is This You?; Yes, It Is!; A Memoir"


This writing started out as a simple desire to write a person's story of her life experiences based on her testimony. My inspiration evolved into a testimonial for God--seeing how God would move on our behalf to orchestrate events in our lives, working through the people we know or don't know to bring those events to pass.Orchestration of miracles is a specialty of God's. He's been doing it since the beginning. He orchestrated us having a Savior to bring to us salvation and eternal life through our faith in Him, our Lord Jesus Christ. I've learned that God has already orchestrated many blessings, directions, or actions we're to take in our lives in the heavenly realm that only need to be brought to the natural. We bring things to the natural by faith through prayer, through our taking action on our dreams, and through obeying what we know God has spoken to us to do, and especially if it is on our hearts to do something for someone else.So what is my opinion about cremation after my experience? I was reminded that God is the greatest Orchestrator of all time. Only He could have arranged the events that I have documented in this writing.

To learn more about this book, visit:  books - Covenant Books

Wonderful New Release by Pamela Ingram May - "Growing Up on the Farm"


May and her family leave the city life to move back to the family farm where May's father was born and reared. The family moves back just in time for May to begin first grade. May loves living on the farm and obtaining all sorts of pets along the way.

Time flies. May is no longer a six-year-old girl but has grown into a teenager. Does May's view of farm life change as she grows into her teenage years, or does her love for farm life grow stronger with time?

To learn more about this book, visit: books - Covenant Books

New Book by Author Susan Shumaker "You Own Me"


Katie--a lonely young woman without a past, seeks seclusion; timid yet explosive.

David--a family man without a family; insecure with something to prove.

Duncan--a man's man; happily married but in love with his best mate's girl.

Sydney Crane--a lost soul.

Running from a traumatic past, twenty-four-year-old Katie Nelson leaves America to start over in small-town England. She purchases a used bookshop and intends to disappear into the countryside. She is determined to make a new life in a new place with a new name. Who is the real Katie? What is she hiding?Plagued by paranoia, fear, and memory issues, Katie is satisfied with her self-imposed isolation until her calm is broken when two very different men notice her. One is infatuated. One is obsessed.

To learn more about this book, visit:  books - Covenant Books

Iowa Skies : Book Two; To Share the Journey - By Sally Winter-Swink


The story of Jim and Anne Anderson, begun in To Share Love Again, continues as their families bond together but also endure tragedy and heartache because of a family member's death, a future family separation, and a family facing childhood cancer. The story takes place in Iowa farm country, with a blend of adventures of life with grandchildren, animals, gardening, and Anne's beloved flock of chickens. This is Book #2 of the Iowa Skies series.

To learn more, visit:  books - Covenant Books

Wondeful New Release - "If I Were" - by Deana Vibbert


Written as poems to the author’s young children, If I Were uses empathy and humor to comfort after traumatic events; one after a bee sting reaction and the other after a dog bite. Read and enjoy these thoughts from a mother’s heart.

New Release - Come Now, Let Us Reason Together: A Daily Devotional Guide and Food for Thought


Come Now, Let Us Reason Together is a daily devotional guide and food for thought from the scriptures. It is also a resource for church bulletin articles, short devotional talks, and ideas that could develop into sermons. Besides 365 daily devotionals, there are a number of thoughts that relate to special occasions and holidays.

Learn more about this book at:

Joseph Barnard Sees His New Book "Alcoholics Redeemed"


We have to be honest with ourselves. Can I control my drinking? Can I stop when I want to? Are there consequences when I drink?

“I loved my dad very much, but love was not enough to keep him sober. What he needed was a life change,” said an AR family member.

Each one of us now knows that we are part of a divine miracle. This you can know too!

For more information, visit

Amazing New Release from Author Sheri L. Pinckney


Bryce is a young teen struggling to deal with everyday life. It doesn't help that he has special needs. Although being bullied and put down daily by others, he finds the courage and strength to prove everyone wrong and show them that he too can overcome struggles just as well as a normal child. Always remembering and keeping his mom's voice in his head with words of encouragement, he did just that.

Learn more about where to purchase this book at:  

New Video from Author Alfredo Metoyer for His New Book - "DAD'S SUCCESS"

Be sure to watch this video from Author Alfredo Metoyer for His New Book - "DAD'S SUCCESS"! 

New Release from Reed Rolf, "Bell of Truth"


Roger Schleffinger drifts into the small South Dakota town of Pleasanton and immediately bonds with two local young families. The impact of those connections produces life-altering changes for all concerned, and Roger’s willingness to be obedient to God’s leading allows him to be a vehicle of healing and hope for Peggy, Steve, and Rosalyn.

Russ Breault Releases "Shroud Encounter"

 It was a crime scene investigation like no other. A man was tortured, beaten, and killed. He was popular with the people, but many in power wanted Him dead. After a mock trial, the powerful had their way. He was given a hasty burial, but now the body has disappeared. Was there a clue left behind? A bloody sheet offers evidence of a horrific execution. Was the body stolen? By whom and why? Did it just vanish? What does the cloth reveal about the disappearance?

The Shroud of Turin (Italy) bears the faint front and back image of a bearded crucified man with corresponding bloodstains that match the Gospel accounts of what happened to Jesus. It is the most analyzed artifact in the world yet remains an unsolved mystery. While there are no artistic substances on the linen cloth, the blood is real, and testing corresponds with type AB. The blood has soaked through the cloth; however, the image resides only on the top 1 percent of the surface fibers. Could it be the same Shroud that wrapped Jesus in the tomb?

The Shroud poses the ultimate either-or proposition as either the actual burial cloth of Jesus or the product of human effort, as a work of devotional art or a masterful hoax. There is nothing in between.

The culmination of a lifetime of research, countless presentations, and ongoing associations with Shroud experts worldwide, Russ Breault’s Shroud Encounter—Explore the World’s Greatest Unsolved Mystery examines the science, history, and theology surrounding this profound enigma. If proven one day to be authentic, the implications could truly shake the world.

Be sure to watch this amazing video about this book:

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