Monday, June 24, 2024

"The Crown or Clown" by Linda A Drumgoole


About the Book

Initially, ‘The Crown or The Clown’ was written to inspire single females yearning for a husband. Unknowingly, my egoistically arranged path to their desire was for them to wait on that god-ordained relationship that was intended specifically for them. However, in writing ‘The Crown or The Clown’, I was reminded of my personal journeys, my hills and valleys, my unsuccessful paths, and subsequent consequences while I was seeking what I perceived as that “perfect” attainable relationship. I was humbled, contrite and yielded to the direction of the Holy Spirit as I moved forward in writing ‘The Crown or The Clown’. You see, I then understood and accepted God’s Will…God’s Way.

My prayer is that as the reader goes through each page, absorbs each experience of my journeys, and faithfully participates in each activity from the beginning to the end, they will attain a soul-rendering illumination of the gospel.

My hope is for each reader to have their own individual experiences of 1). A sincere release and self-forgiveness from the bondages of the past, 2). A complete wholeness of who they truly are and who they belong to spiritually, and 3). The authentic acceptance that the desires of their heart comes when they have a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. Only then can they be open and obedient to the biblically based desires for a purposed, destined and ordained relationship intended for them through Jesus Christ.

About the Author

Reverend Linda A. Drumgoole, a.k.a. Reverend Drum, is a bold proclaimer of the gospel of Jesus Christ. She is a certified trainer, God-called teacher of the Word of God, as well as an inspirational and motivational speaker. She was called to preach the gospel in 2004. She received her license to preach on August 24, 2008. She was ordained on August 20, 2015. She is actively serving the Lord in the areas of prayer, women, young professional adults, college students in numerous venues. She has a bachelor of arts in political science from Mississippi State University. She is a graduate of CTI (Covenant Training Institute), School of Ministry. She is also certified in biblical counseling from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently working toward a master of management from the University of Phoenix.

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