Monday, September 2, 2024

Tanya Veney - Promises in the Rainbow

About the Book:

Promises in the Rainbow is a message inspired by the Holy Spirit. It provides a fresh and deeper perspective on the rainbow and its mystery. Each color is representative of one or more biblical promises. It also represents God's love for us and His hope for us as we grow in our relationship with Him. I invite you on this journey as we explore the promises in the rainbow. Each time you witness a rainbow in all its majesty, may you be reminded of the deep love and commitment that God has toward you through His son, Jesus Christ, along with all His promises.

Olive Elise - The Black Sheep of the Blue Family

About the Book:

After graduating at the top of my police academy class, I was given the opportunity to put on a police uniform and serve those around me. I had a blast. Until the inevitable happened. During that time, I experienced what no person ever wants to go through--sexual harassment and, finally, sexual assault by my own brothers in blue. While I loved my line of work (and I still do), it nearly broke every fiber of my being for years. Yet I believe that God is going to use that experience to help others heal.

My story is not over. My dreams are not completed. God still has a purpose for my life. It has been a long journey. It has taken many years to fully understand this from the trauma I faced as a police officer, but God. Through the sullen ashes of past trauma, beauty will arise through the power of Christ. My hope is that my story can raise awareness of sexual harassment in the workplace. More so, I hope every survivor of sexual assault can find true healing that only comes from God. You may have a dark past, but you can still have a bright future. May you find your faith in God and a complete healing through my scars.

Sandra Pixley-Rees - Daughter of the Last Duke

About the Book:

Faustine instinctively knew her fight was over! She was trapped between the Valencian mob and the charging Spanish army! She dropped to her knees out of sheer exhaustion, acutely aware of the Spaniard on the black mustang as he raised his gleaming jewel-handled sword—preparing to strike! She closed her eyes tight, feeling the warmth of the sun one last time against her tear stained face, silently praying for the strength to remain brave through to the bitter end. She felt a deep ache in her chest as her thoughts turned to her father. He had given her the choice to tag along on his military campaign, bringing the two of them to Madrid. She had been looking forward to spending the summer amid the city's romantic flare, but the mood of the capital was far from friendly as the natives teetered on the verge of a momentous rebellion, due to the French army's bold march across Spain, turning the streets into a bloody arena.

At the first sign of trouble her father did not hesitate to send her out of harm's way—that's how she ended up at the home of her great-aunt who was a prominent resident of Valencia. It was for that reason she feared her father would blame himself when he learned hundreds of French civilians had been massacred at the hands of the Valencian mob! Yet there was no way he could have known that the Spanish Uprising would spread like wildfire across every region of Spain or bring about her premature demise as she stared into the face of death!


About the Book:

Enter the world of Teddy as they explore the role of nurses in their life. Mommi, I Want to Be a Nurse was written for little boys and girls who may realize nursing might be for them when they grow up.

Olayinka Deborah Akinkunmi Akanbi - Daily Devotional for Kids

About the Book:

Daily Devotional for Kids is a devotional for children of all ages from ages six to thirteen. It is a daily study guide with verses of the Bible explained in the simplest context for easier understanding, with words of affirmation, confessions, coupled with outstanding biblical stories with exciting coloring pages that are beautiful to the eyes.

Developing a Disciple by Greg Vannatta

About the Book:

This book is for men, young adults, and the youth of the church, which is intended to be used as a resource and tool for mentoring, discipling, and building future leaders for the church in our modern times.

Whether it be individually studied, or used in a small group or large group, the reader will find a new level of accountability and discipline through the discussions, times in prayer, the study of Scripture, and the weekly exercise routine to help build discipline. The language of this book is approachable by all ages and is able to be used in any setting.

A fresh perspective of what it takes to be a man of God who continues to make disciples of all nations is refreshing and encouraging. One cannot help but be encouraged by the hope found in this book to help individuals seek a deeper relationship with the Lord.

Carolyn Collett - The Bullying of Isabella

About the Book:

These are stories about overcoming bullying. Isabella was a little girl growing up, wanting to make friends and have fun. However, that differs from what happened--starting at an incredibly early age and continuing through elementary and high school years. Isabella became familiar with bullying. She always wondered why some other children wanted to hurt her and not be her friend. She kept an excellent, happy heart and loved them anyway.

The purpose of this book is to help anyone who is experiencing intimidation. Harassment comes in verbal and nonverbal forms, and both children and adults need help from God to overcome and get through such challenging times. The little girl growing up in these stories had that help and came through to become a strong and successful woman. She wanted to share what Jesus had done for her and give him Praise and Glory.

Check out Brock Alcorn's New Release, The Second Darkness

About the Book:

Jordan Spencer, an acclaimed archaeologist and agnostic, has lived through an event that forever has changed him. Jordan has placed himself in a specialized facility to heal from terrible nightmares and night terrors that threaten his very well-being. His associate and interest, Tonya Clark, now leads an archaeological expedition in Mexico that uncovers a large humanlike skeleton unlike the world has ever witnessed. With the discovery, Jordan decides to leave the doctor's care and help Tonya navigate dangerous obstacles that face her and the team. At the same time, a former faith healer and charlatan Paul Jacobs, who produced miracles of healing, now reeling from the truth of who he was and the consequences of his decisions, now faces decisions that will shape his life. The world has been shaken by an event that saw millions of people and all children vanish into thin air. Behind the scenes exists a mysterious, powerful group of wealthy men and women who have dedicated their lives to discovering alien beings and expedite their return to earth. The group believes these beings ruled in ancient times and now see evidence that their return is imminent. Strange visual signs from space and the threat of a catastrophic natural event throw the world into an epic moment where the reveal of the ancient rulers is at hand. The truth is far from what the world understands and in reality is a demonic attack to usher in their allotted time to start what is known as the tribulation. Jordan, Tonya, and Paul's life will intersect as the world's clock has crossed the final hour.

Jan Jamison- Is it Saturday Yet, Grandma?

About the Book:

Quinn loves to spend Saturdays with her grandma because she has so much fun doing things like baking and gardening and eating ice cream. Sometimes it is hard to patiently wait through the week, so she calls her grandma every morning to discuss their plans.

Timothy Leacock - Refugee On The Threshold

About the Book:

Suppose you had the power to alter the fate of a man in danger? Would you do it? Would you be willing to devote the time to get to know him? Allow yourself to be moved by his story and recognize the possibilities? This is the true story of Ahmed, a Somali refugee who received a death threat in his homeland, departed on a perilous journey, requested asylum, and received jailed detention. Refugee on the Threshold chronicles Ahmed's courage and determination as he encounters roadblocks in the immigration courts and the friendships that changed the course of his life. Will he prove he deserves asylum and cross the threshold, or will he be tossed back to his homeland, only to suffer certain death at the hands of a terrorist group known for carrying out their threats?

Pamela Ingram May – Born to Save

About the Book:

Born to Save is biblical fiction written for an audience aged ten through one hundred. The author tells the story of the boy Jesus who grows up, works as a missionary, dies for the salvation of all who would believe, and appears to hundreds after His resurrection. This is the third published book from new author, Pamela Ingram May. Her love for the Lord and for people has given her a passion to write in a style which allows readers to feel as though they are witnessing the scenes in the story. Pamela's main intention is for readers to read her version and then read or reread the story in God's Word, the Bible.

Jennifer Fisch Lemp - Resting on a Pillow of Prayers; Poems of Loss, Hope, and Healing

Check out this Amazing News Article about this Book!

About the Book:

Resting on a Pillow of Prayers is inspired by the deep emotions of the heart and the silent longings of the soul. Rooted in unshakable faith in God despite living with an aggressive, recurrent cancer, Jennifer has written poems that resound with the truth of her lived experiences and offer inspiration, comfort, and joy.

This collection of poems focuses on the themes of hope, suffering, loss, recovery, forgiveness, love, grace, faith, and Christian mission. The journey from suffering and loss to hope and healing is expressed in simple, vibrant images that uplift and encourage the reader.

Carolyn Collett - Willow and Friends

About the Book:

A single leaf drifting past in the breeze or the frantic waving of the big trees as the wind picks up before a storm; listening to the birds sing and talk in their language to each other on a beautiful summer morning; watching a deer or the squirrels come close with looks of curiosity; or having a butterfly land on your arm just for a moment-- there is always something to enjoy for kids and adults of all ages that God has created. This book is about appreciating what is before us and not searching for it. Look for the simple things and be thankful. God bless you.

Mississippi Rescue by Elizabeth Ann Garner received a 5-star review!

Mississippi Rescue by Elizabeth Ann Garner received a 5-star review!

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers’ Favorite

Mississippi Rescue by Elizabeth Ann Garner tells the tale of a riverboat crew who are transporting coal to a shipyard in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, along the Mississippi River. During their journey, a storm causes a flood that disrupts their voyage. They come across a baby beaver crying in the cold water. Filled with sympathy, they rescue the cute animal and research how to take care of it. They nurse it back to health, show it love, form unforgettable bonds with it, and name it Mississippi. However, due to riverboat policies, they are forced to let Mississippi go. Join the riverboat crew deckhands as they show compassion to their new friend and find him a new home.

Mississippi Rescue is a heartwarming story based on true events from the author's life. It explores important themes such as compassion, teamwork, and unconditional love. Additionally, the book provides valuable information about sailing and boat safety and raises awareness about animal rescue centers. Elizabeth Ann Garner captivates the young reader's attention right from the first page with her engaging narration and casual tone. This is an enjoyable read, featuring friendly characters that are easy to connect with. Their intriguing personalities left me curious about their many adventures. The highlight of the book is the colorful illustrations that perfectly complement the story and bring each character to life. I loved the diversity of the characters and the boat crew's uniform. Overall, Mississippi Rescue is a must-read, and I recommend adding it to your children's library.

Patricia Y. Deering - Ghosts in the Library

About the Book:

Vonnie Talbot is a librarian assistant in the Trainsville Public Library. The library is usually quiet until one day, the ghost of her ex-husband shows up to protect her. She doesn't feel the need for protection. However, when the library board president is missing and she is the prime suspect in his disappearance, things change. She needs all the help she can get. With the help of her ex-husband's spirit and the other spirits discovered in the library, they will uncover what happened to the library board president. Hopefully, they will make this discovery before Vonnie is arrested.

Donna Higgins-Gardner - God, What's Up with This?

About the Book:

God, What's Up with This? is a must read. It is an inspirational true story of God being our strength in our weakness. This book shares all the ways God just kept blessing our lives in the midst of hardships, losses, and tragedy. It's a book that shares God's absolute love for us all.

Margaret Ann Parker Naylor - Written In The Stars -The Fate Of America - A Soldier's Tales Book Series: Book One

About the Book:

Written in the Stars: The Fate of America is the first in a series of books written by the author telling the story of America from Bunker Hill and Valley Forge to the present and beyond. These stories are told by a young soldier who died at Bunker Hill, the first major conflict of the American Revolutionary War, and was granted permission by God to tell America's history from its beginning to the end times. These stories are told as they are lived out by the extended families of American patriots. They are ripped from the headlines of these last days and are based on Bible prophecy, history, and history in the making, and look forward to the Second Coming of Christ and his millennial reign over all the earth!

Christina Suplee - The Perfect Fairy Tale - The Gospel as a Love Story

 About the Book:

The Perfect Fairy Tale is a creative and beautiful portrayal of the gospel as a magical fairy-tale love story. A Princess from Earth (the reader) is saved from the Monster (Satan) by the Prince from the Magical Land (Jesus). The Perfect Fairy Tale transports the reader into being the princess from the story, and as the story unfolds, your child realizes that she can be a real-life princess. In Jesus, she has a prince who really did come to rescue her because he loves her, and he wants to live happily ever after with her in heaven. It's every girl's dream come true! Beyond being a children's book, The Perfect Fairy Tale will serve as a tool for parents to share the gospel with their children and to start conversations about Jesus, heaven, Satan, and more.

Chris Anderson - The Little Troll Who Smiled

About the Book:

Tobey is a young troll who loves to help people. He is an excellent example that being different is a strength. Even when people try to mistreat him, he never changes who he truly is, both inside and out. With his amazing heart and caring personality, he continues to help everyone with whom he crosses paths, wherever he lives. One day, a tough situation convinces him to move permanently to a new town. That new town appreciates him, and it is a blessing for both the townsfolk and Tobey.

New Release by Author Richard Kapp - DEAR DAVID: Personal Finance and Life Letters from a Grandfather to a Grandson

About the Book:

What do you do when your high school senior grandson asks in a nighttime text:Hey Granddaddy, so I know you're probably asleep by now but I just wanted to ask what you think about money. What would be the best way to make the most over a "long" (like 10-20ish years) period of time? Savings, investing, side business[es]? Going into the military, having a long period of time being able to save or invest, or build a good business to be able to gain the most amount of money possible?And then buying. What is the best way of buying things (like houses and cars...big things), in cash at once or like over a period of time (even though there's interest)?Split it up cause there's different parts. Thank you lots. Love you!

New Release by Author John Walker - I Asked God a Question He Answered


About the Book:

I Asked God a Question--He Answered, Events happening now all around the world are falling into place exactly as outlined in God's Word. While studying the Bible, I had trouble understanding something and asked God for help. He responded with a vision of a puppy that answered my question perfectly. He then gave me two more visions. Each was completely different and each was amazing. I then asked, "How close are we to the return of Jesus?" A fourth vision gave an answer and serves as a point of hope but also a warning. We are running out of time. This book covers my experiences studying prophecy and gives my understanding of the four visions I was given.

Mama Beck – The Lost Star


About the Book:

"Please!" the guard begged the witch. "Please send the star back with the ship to save the life of my loved one!" Hearing this, Haigler, the witch, was entertained. This man would die with trust that she would perform something good.How far would the guard go to save the princess from her fate? He is just a man. What makes him think Haigler would grant his last request?

Love has always been a powerful thing. Reach into the pages of childhood and enjoy the story that could lead you to the lost star of your heart.

Merle and Charlotte Cooper - Christ Jesus the Rock

About the Book:

An essential question...and rocks--lots of rocks.

An essential reply...and something about a rock.

What's that about?

"Who do you say that I am?" Jesus asked.

Before that crucial question, there were dozens of clues: the rock that sheltered Moses when he asked to see the face of God, the rock that gushed water for a million thirsty migrants, the rock that formed a solid foundation, and the rock that trips people.

Simon Peter got the answer out.

"You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!"

And on this great rock, this great realization, Jesus said, "I will build my church."

And there it is, the Shekinah--the glory of God!

Diana Lynn Todisco - The Adventures of RJ and Alex

 About the Book:

RJ Matthews was a normal, happy, and healthy twelve-year-old boy--until he wasn't. Like many twelve-year-olds, RJ loved spending time with his family. RJ especially loved Sunday mornings when he, his mom and dad, and little brother all went to church together. After church, they would come home and have a big special breakfast and then venture out for an afternoon of fun surprises. Life in the Matthews household was always a grand adventure. Of course, there were times when he and his younger brother argued, when he didn't do his chores and was grounded, and when he really didn't feel like going to church. But those times were few and far between. RJ was particularly excited about this Sunday because after Sunday school, his church was having their annual picnic, and afterward, he was going hiking with his family and some friends. Unfortunately, the Sunday that began with such promise would end with lost hope. This is RJ's story, a story of pain and loss, of denial and anger--a story of losing his way and then rediscovering it. It is ultimately a story of restoration, redemption, and the goodness of God.

Alvin Ray Kessinger - To See the World; A Flip and Loopy Adventure


About the Book:

This is a story about two Irish boys who wanted to see the world and search for some adventure and excitement. They got a job on a cargo ship on its way to New York City. Halfway across, the ship sank. They landed on an island, and before they were done, they had more excitement than they could handle.

To See the World: A Flip and Loopy Adventure is an action-filled adventure with suspense and humor. This is a good book for the young and not so young.

Check out this New Release by Author Annette Nation

About the Book:

 New Beginnings is a fictional romantic, adventurous story about a mother, Anna, and her teenage daughter, Crissy, moving across the country to a small Southern town in South Carolina while leaving behind pretentious ideals that were engulfing their lives. Anna returns to her Southern small-town roots to reacquaint with her forgotten self as she watched Crissy transform from a popularity-seeking material girl into a caring, purposeful being. Through authentic relationships, they both find true meaning and fulfillment. Throughout their adventures, Crissy learns that life doesn't have to include sports cars and designer clothes in order to be exciting! While Anna uses her energy to wake up a sleepy town, Crissy learns what it's like to have true friends. For mystery lovers, there is also an element of suspense that will keep the readers on edge. Anna's comfortable life in California ends when her new job as a social worker involves her and Crissy in a domestic violence case. Not only do they find purpose and happiness, but they also find true love in the most unexpected situations. They become attracted to commitment to strong principles rather than prestige and power. Brock Herrington's blue eyes and his love for horses help change Crissy's perspective of a small Southern town from backwoods to dreamy. However, Anna had to work at convincing John Graves that she was not a shallow rich girl who just blew into town for thrills in her shiny silver Jag.New Beginnings is a book that gives hope to all who have loved and been hurt, tried and failed, or started and stopped.

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Introducing The Chudderdudders by Christopher J. Heacox

About the Book:

In the small town of Murgitville, not that far from you, Bogee Chudderdudder learns a valuable lesson in responsibility. Join Bogee and his best pal Wij as they encounter Freeps, Mupulups, and Chob, a friendly, quiet twenty-five-foot giant. See what adventures Bogee and his Mystic Medallion happen upon and the troubles that arise! 

Check out this New Release from George A. Brooks


About the Book:

The story of humankind begins 13.8 billion years ago when the universe came into being instantly everywhere at the same time. There was only darkness until the stars began to light up. This begins the long journey of humankind, through the formation in supernovae of the elements that will form our bodies to the formation of the sun, the earth, and the moon until our home brings forth life. Our planet has survived numerous events that threatened to extinguish that life, but ultimately our most remote ancestors began to walk the plains, mountains, and valleys of Africa. In remote prehistory, groups of people migrated out of Africa eventually to populate the whole world. The author provides a timeline for the major events that eventually shaped the modern world. In the earliest settlements, humans domesticated plants and animals. Over time, they formed city-states. Civilizations rose and fell, passing along little snippets of knowledge to those who followed. The journey acquaints the reader with these great civilizations and the people who gave us the arts and sciences and the rules of law for living together. The civilizations of Athens and Rome became the foundation of western civilization. In the last two thousand years, world history is dominated by the spread of Christianity. Therefore, the journey takes us through those events in Judea to the kings, queens, popes, and emperors of Europe while events are also unfolding in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the Americas. The modern world has been largely shaped by the colonial period beginning about 1500 AD. Much attention is given to events since then which are proximate to the world we experience today. World Wars I and II then shaped most of the modern nation states in which we live. The author allows the reader to stand apart and be an observer of the journey of humankind. We have taken many different paths to arrive in the modern world with wonderfully diverse appearances, languages, and traditions, but we are all one family. The author hopes we will embrace our differences and act together as the family we are while shaping the future.