Monday, September 2, 2024

Diana Lynn Todisco - The Adventures of RJ and Alex

 About the Book:

RJ Matthews was a normal, happy, and healthy twelve-year-old boy--until he wasn't. Like many twelve-year-olds, RJ loved spending time with his family. RJ especially loved Sunday mornings when he, his mom and dad, and little brother all went to church together. After church, they would come home and have a big special breakfast and then venture out for an afternoon of fun surprises. Life in the Matthews household was always a grand adventure. Of course, there were times when he and his younger brother argued, when he didn't do his chores and was grounded, and when he really didn't feel like going to church. But those times were few and far between. RJ was particularly excited about this Sunday because after Sunday school, his church was having their annual picnic, and afterward, he was going hiking with his family and some friends. Unfortunately, the Sunday that began with such promise would end with lost hope. This is RJ's story, a story of pain and loss, of denial and anger--a story of losing his way and then rediscovering it. It is ultimately a story of restoration, redemption, and the goodness of God.

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