Monday, September 2, 2024

New Release from Author Alyssa Duncan


About the Book

Inspired by real events, The Button Jar follows a young girl and her little sister as they navigate the emotions of their father's deployment. After receiving a special package in the mail from Grandma, the little girl begins to understand the countdown to Daddy and the emotions along the way.

About the Author

Alyssa Duncan, a military spouse and mother of two young children, was inspired to begin The Button Jar shortly after her husband deployed. Being that it was the first deployment she had navigated with young children, she began to look for books and other tools to help her oldest daughter better understand the changes and emotions she was experiencing. After failing to find very many resources aimed toward the ages of one to three, she got to work. Her goal was to create a resource that was relatable to other families with young children navigating similar situations.

After receiving the button jars from her mother-in-law, she realized how it helped her daughter understand the time concept of a deployment. The realization led to the creation of The Button Jar, in hopes that it would be a light at the end of a very long tunnel for families going through deployments with young children.

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